Monday, November 19, 2018

London Calling...(but i couldn't pick up the phone)

I've always been into all things British!

Not by choice, of course. It's just that when I wanted my MTV, we could not afforded it but everyone else could. They told mee their stories of Nickolodeon and getting to watch Hey Arnold, Rent and Stimpy, Wayne World.. I would give my classmates blank VHS tapes and ask them to record it for me!

but all I watched growing up in my shack was:

Mr. Bean

Keeping Up Appearences

The Victor of Dubley


in rotation all the time. Growingup in the South, I must have been affected by all this Britoladia but, I can say that I have always hated the beatles (bad teacher loved them) and if i like british music the it's Fefe Dobson, MIA/Maya, The Clash, Amy Winehouse (RIP), Spice Girls (when Gerri left),

Once, I met a decendant of British Government. IT WAS SCARY. I did not say anything but it was announced at a gathering the 1st and last name of this decendant.

I was horrified. Person was very attractive and their is no mistake based of the persons demeanor and facial features and stuff utter out of the mouth that that is the relative. I went to the person social media I saw the person...hmm a bit tall, but person was acting all poor.

I felt mocked. By the Royal Family? What the hell have I done to them? I am a fan! But...

I also liked that Real World: London had a black girl who looked liked me. :)

Back to the future, so anywayz... like I even didn't like Zadie Smith or the Book White teeth because I thought it was gross how the professor was fawning over the overweight black woman and promptly sent it back to the library. But I found out fter 24 years that a member of my family went to school in London, got a degree there! I also found out a member studied abroad at the Uni of Bath! WTF. They said they were bulied and made fun of though in the 60's, which is why it has never been discussed for my entire life. But I guess that is my only connection.

So obvious their has been a lot of projection of their anonymous dreams upon myself. A very plain person. SORRY!

but I just think that that woman from Keeping up which I loved would have literally died to meet the desandant of British Intel/Parli/Gov whateves and all I did was walk around a corner one day and

BAM! AHHHHHHHHHHH! I REALLY was scarty and when the person was suprizingly anounced. The 1st thing I did was look around the room. It quite strange but ehh. Oh, I also kinda like Ali G, and Absolutely Fabulous on Britsh TV.

But the main character would also always mocked this Birt gov for starving children and wtf. I knew a playwright who was sort or into Britomainia and wrote a play about the culture.

and his sister almost died! (no joke) but i try to talk to all poor brits and members of the Royal glorious armed forces. i like them.

some lilttle girl drew this of me

I love cantoloupe


pushing buttons, don't get stuck in the elevator.

Astros lost!

More beautiful Ethiopians and their dishes.


Houston skyline.

Snow in Houston?

Looks Britsh

digging into Britain's National dish: Chicken Tikka Mansala. I added basmati rice a,d the Naan indian bread

support puppies

dream car

toured AT&T Headquarter's



I love you!


roach video recording

Leaprochan's say: There's a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow!

I like blk people. What a shame.

I designed that label. Not the lace.

It was good.

Hole in doggy socks!

I'm not Edie Amin but I'm getting there..(kidding) no, nice wedding I was a member/attended.

the best soda invention ever

On my end, I tried to order a britsh Product and told them: Say Hi to The Queen for me and they were insulted and I never recieved my item!

So not everyone is into it over their. Oh, I definatly like MIA (brit artist). I spent a lot of time getting into Kate Middleton, and like i am just to exhausted for meghan Markle. She'll have to do another movie (hallmark puh-leeze).


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